Benefits of Email Marketing Campaigns

With a better response rate than direct mail, e-mail marketing has become one of the most effective marketing efforts to increase a firm’s visibility and ultimately drive traffic to a website. If targeted correctly and message crafted aptly, e-marketing can help you deliver the right content to the right prospect at the right time, and…

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Five Marketing Mistakes Law Firms Make…And How to Recover!

When marketing efforts are not successful, many law firms wonder why…They sent out direct mail, or refreshed their website, initiated Google Adword campaigns, or attended a networking event, but are often left disappointed and frustrated asking “Why aren’t the phones ringing?” Marketing efforts must be more than a disconnected series of tasks. Effective marketing is…

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Planning for your Marketing in the New Year

The 2 Golden Rules of Planning: The Plan is the plan until the plan changes Any Plan beats no plan As we get closer to the end of 2008, it’s time to start thinking about budgeting for your marketing efforts in 2009. In an ideal world, your 2008 marketing plan worked to perfection and creating…

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The web is a funny thing. Ten (10) years after the formation of Google, and it still reminds me of the Wild West, with hucksters and shysters selling snake oil and magic liniment. A recent example being Findlaw, the 1000-pound gorilla among legal website developers. Recently, blogger and SEO expert Todd Friesen reported on how…

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I have a website – so why isn’t my phone ringing?

Quite often, when we talk with law firms, one of the main topics of conversation is their website performance and its success as a source of new cases. Often, the conversation goes something like “I have a website that has good search-engine performance, but I am still not getting as many new cases from the…

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Do you have 2000 friends?

OK, my “summer vacation” has ended and it’s back to writings some blogs. Without further ado, I wanted to start off the school year talking about an asset that is vastly underused in most law firms – the firm Contact List. Every law firm has a contact list, and in many cases, multiple contact lists.…

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The Recession and your Law Practice

Turn on the nightly news and chances are the lead story is the economy, and the endless speculation about whether we are, or are not, in a recession. Obviously, with oil prices continuing to climb, the dollar continuing to weaken, and the housing market not yet hitting bottom, the question of whether we are “technically”…

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Streaming videos, blogs and Facebook, oh my!

Streaming videos and blogs; social networking sites like Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn; Pay-per-click campaigns, Wikis and RSS; These are a few of the “new” mechanisms that you can use to help market your law firm. Are you using any of these? Have you thought about how to leverage them in your marketing and advertising efforts,…

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