Save your Firm thousands over traditional advertising agency costs.
You need to market your law firm to stay competitive, but know ad agencies and website companies are expensive. Let BARD Marketing setup your accounts, train you, and set you on a path for success.
Benefits of Self Marketing
- Manage your budget and control costs
- Manage your own accounts
- You know your client base and referral partners
- Quickly see what is and what is not working and change strategies
- Grow your business and expand networks
We Offer
Branded Website – Get a branded website with a Content Management System (CMS) that utilizes current technology, is smart device friendly and has integrated Google Analytics. Training is also provided on the CMS.
Social Media – Have your accounts set up and get trained on how to effectively post and use social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+.
Email Marketing – Use a branded email marketing tool to distribute targeted electronic communications and enewsletters to your prospects, client and referral partners. Training is also provided on the Content Management System.