News and Commentary
So, WhoCanISue? seems to be generating a lot of headlines. Obviously that’s the idea, and to some extent, the buzz reminds me of the buzz generated by the Chicago Family Law Attorney who had the “Life is Short, get a Divorce” billboard a couple years ago. Like that family law firm, is generating headlines for their…
Read MoreWhat do you want to be when you grow up?
I’ve been meaning to write this blog for a couple months now. I am 100% convinced that in an economic climate such as ours and with the ever-increasing competition that law firms across practice areas are facing, that establishing a brand must be the top priority of law firms that plan on starting to market…
Read MoreToo Funny….but sometimes the truth hurts…
I just read a hysterical “fake news article” in Litination, that states that the New York State Bar is delaying bar exam results for one year due to the saturated legal market in New York. This article was obviously written in jest, and in fact the disclaimer of the site reads: “…As the author of…
Read MoreBada BING!
OK, it looks like Bing is seeing some early success as a viable search engine. It has been generally getting strong buzz and has seen some early victories. Based on early comScore statistics, it has overtaken Yahoo to become the #2 search engine behind Google, which has also seen a (modest) decline in search traffic…
Read MoreThe Next New Thing is….
I recently heard one of my favorite songs – “Once in a Lifetime” – by the Talking Heads that has a refrain of “Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.” This refrain is a perfect metaphor for those lawyers looking to leverage new marketing techniques to drive business for their firms. I’ve…
Read MoreNothing Says Success Like…..
Nothing Says Success Like…. This post is not about how you need to spend a lot of money on marketing but rather on some of the things that many attorneys (and other professionals) do that scare off clients, or don’t exactly help your brand. First things first- your email account: Nothing says success like having…
Read MoreThe Yellow Pages are Shrinking….Literally
OK, I’ll be the first to admit that I am not a huge fan of the yellow pages as a primary means of advertising for law firms. Don’t get me wrong-they have brought value for several decades, and really, the yellow pages were one of the first outlets for “attorney advertising”. My blog today…
Read MoreTo fire or not to fire…
One disturbing trend that we’ve all seen over the last several months is intake as many established, successful law firms has slowed substantially – the phones just aren’t ringing. Obviously, the current environment is incenting firms to do everything possible to be more efficient and save money. Whether due to the economy, tort reform (for PI firms),…
Read MoreOops!
The web is a funny thing. Ten (10) years after the formation of Google, and it still reminds me of the Wild West, with hucksters and shysters selling snake oil and magic liniment. A recent example being Findlaw, the 1000-pound gorilla among legal website developers. Recently, blogger and SEO expert Todd Friesen reported on how…
Read MoreThe Recession and your Law Practice
Turn on the nightly news and chances are the lead story is the economy, and the endless speculation about whether we are, or are not, in a recession. Obviously, with oil prices continuing to climb, the dollar continuing to weaken, and the housing market not yet hitting bottom, the question of whether we are “technically”…
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