Posts Tagged ‘john sailer’
The web is a funny thing. Ten (10) years after the formation of Google, and it still reminds me of the Wild West, with hucksters and shysters selling snake oil and magic liniment. A recent example being Findlaw, the 1000-pound gorilla among legal website developers. Recently, blogger and SEO expert Todd Friesen reported on how…
Read MoreI have a website – so why isn’t my phone ringing?
Quite often, when we talk with law firms, one of the main topics of conversation is their website performance and its success as a source of new cases. Often, the conversation goes something like “I have a website that has good search-engine performance, but I am still not getting as many new cases from the…
Read MoreDo you have 2000 friends?
OK, my “summer vacation” has ended and it’s back to writings some blogs. Without further ado, I wanted to start off the school year talking about an asset that is vastly underused in most law firms – the firm Contact List. Every law firm has a contact list, and in many cases, multiple contact lists.…
Read MoreControlling Your Own Marketing Destiny
As previously discussed, cash flow is tight for many law firms due to our economy. While true, this doesn’t negate the fact that there is much competition between the 84,000 attorneys in Florida and the over 1 Million attorneys in the United States for new cases and clients, regardless of area of practice or geographic…
Read MoreThe Bible, Harry Potter and telling a great story
What do the Bible and the latest Harry Potter book have in common? At first glance, maybe nothing. However they actually share an important trait – both are stories and use effective storytelling techniques to evoke emotion – and in the case of the bible, the stories help provide Christians with a deeper meaning of…
Read MoreFlorida Bar Advertising Rules and the First Amendment
Any attorney who has advertised in Florida has probably experienced a few calls with the Florida Bar Ethics Committee to discuss what is and is not allowed in their print or television ad. Right or wrong, the Florida Bar’s advertising rules are among the most restrictive in the nation, prohibiting slogans, descriptions of the quality…
Read MoreABA website survey – many firms still missing out
Recently, the ABA reported the findings from their annual Legal Technology Survey. One survey topic was the usage of websites among law firms. The survey identified that 73% of respondent firms have websites, which is consistent with the 2006 survey findings. While it’s not surprising that the respondents from law firms with 50 or more…
Read MoreLexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell and Findlaw Lawyer Directories – the next casualties of Google?
First it was The Yellow Book, The Real Yellow Pages and all the other phonebook directories. Now it’s the online attorney directories like LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell and Findlaw’s attorney listing service that just may be the latest casualties of Google and the other search engines as more and more law firms develop websites and leverage pay-per-click…
Read More30 years since Bates vs. Arizona, what’s really changed?
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of Bates vs. State Bar of Arizona, I wanted to talk about the true impact of this landmark case. Discussing Bates vs. State Bar of Arizona typically raises a lot of passion among attorneys, with many attorneys praising the protection of First Amendment rights, and the remainder lamenting the…
Read MoreStreaming videos, blogs and Facebook, oh my!
Streaming videos and blogs; social networking sites like Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn; Pay-per-click campaigns, Wikis and RSS; These are a few of the “new” mechanisms that you can use to help market your law firm. Are you using any of these? Have you thought about how to leverage them in your marketing and advertising efforts,…
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