Is Your Website Static? Get your Website Moving!

BARD Marketing upgraded The Law Offices of Robin Bresky’s website from a static (non-editable by the client only unless you are a website coder) HTML website to a responsive content management system (CMS). Allowing better Social Media integration a more effective blogging system, as well as being more searchable. Like what you’ve read? Get Started Today!

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Responsive Website Design Done Right.

BARD Marketing converted The Hollander Law Firm’s website from a proprietary system (you don’t own it and can’t take it with you) to a responsive content management system (CMS) using open source technology. We feel Open Source enables our team to create innovative solutions without being bound by the constraints associated with proprietary technology. BARD’s team…

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4 Reasons The Media Does Not Cover Your Case

Are you wondering why your case(s) are not getting coverage? You won the case, got a big verdict… but still no coverage. The media must have it out for you, right? That is probably not the case. Below we discuss four reasons why you may not be getting media coverage/exposure on your cases: 1) LACK…

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Are You A Rainmaker

Legal Networking is the process of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with other professionals (legal, medical, business), potential clients and referral partners. Networking can also used for the exchange of business information, ideas, and support. To be successful at networking focus on those who are good at what they do. Work with those who understand…

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Benefits of Email Marketing Campaigns

With a better response rate than direct mail, e-mail marketing has become one of the most effective marketing efforts to increase a firm’s visibility and ultimately drive traffic to a website. If targeted correctly and message crafted aptly, e-marketing can help you deliver the right content to the right prospect at the right time, and…

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BARD Marketing´s Guide to Social Media for Law Firms and Lawyers

The rapid growth of social media is creating information overload for many Internet users, and instead of ignoring it, attorneys and law firms must embrace these new technologies and learn how they can help develop your business and client relationships. Social media is not a magic bullet, nor will it replace your traditional marketing activities.…

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The web is a funny thing. Ten (10) years after the formation of Google, and it still reminds me of the Wild West, with hucksters and shysters selling snake oil and magic liniment. A recent example being Findlaw, the 1000-pound gorilla among legal website developers. Recently, blogger and SEO expert Todd Friesen reported on how…

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